Press Accreditation Process extended!

In 2024 it will be 20 years since the first edition of Rock in Rio Lisbon. Two decades of close collaboration between one of the biggest festivals in the world and the media, to tell stories, broadcast great concerts, create new entertainment formats and build partnerships.  

This year we're back to celebrate with you, in a new edition, in a new City of Rock, in a new stage in the history of the festival in Portugal. And to ensure that no one misses out on this unique moment, the Rock in Rio Lisbon organizations informes that the Press Accreditation process opens today, April 29th.  

All Media Professionals/Organisations wishing to cover the 10th edition of the festival should submit their application by 28th May, via the following link: 

Once the required fields have been duly completed, the application should be sent for analysis (click on the ‘SEND’ button). If the process has been carried out correctly, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the address provided on the form. 

Professionals whose applications are approved will be contacted via email by May 31st. They will then receive instructions on how to collect their Credentials, as well as the Rules and Procedures of the new City of Rock. 

NOTE: as the event has a limited number of credentials, in some cases the Media may be contacted to review their requests.  

For any further information on ‘Press Accreditation’, please contact 